Track: 01 – OFBGM WCOG (Whole Counsel Of God) on Divorce
01 Ge2:20-25
02 Mk10:2-12
03 Lk16:18
04 1Co7:11-12, 1Co7:12-14, 15-16
05 Ro7:1-3
06 Mt19:3-12
07 Mt5:31-32
08 Mt (Matthew) accounts above give the only exception or reason to be able
to divorce your spouse and to be able to marry again without committing the
sin of on-going adultery when either spouse offers a certificate or bill of
divorce to put the other spouse away. Sexual immorality or fornication (any
type of sexual physical intercourse outside the marriage by either spouse) is
the only God given reason to remarry/see the above WCOG scriptures above
without committing the on-going sin of adultery (Mt5:31-32 and Mt19:3-12)!
09 Ezra 10:1-3 God’s eternal principle is to put away the adulterous remarriage.
The Law of Christ is to put away the souls/1Co5:13 for adultery/1Co5:1!
10 1Co5:1-13 God hates divorce because He is the One Who joins the marriage
In one flesh for a lifetime. So, let no spouse put asunder/Mt19:6 because
our God hates divorce/Mal2:16! However, when the sin of adultery takes
place in Jesus NT WCOG church family/1Co5:1 then this is how the members
(Mt5:21-24 and Mt18:14-17) deal with the sin along with 1Co5:13!
11 Mt5:31-32 and Mt19:3-12 give the only Biblical reason for divorce for either
living spouse; however, if both spouses commit fornication before the bill or
certificate of divorcement then neither one can remarry without living in the
on-going sin of adultery/Mt5 and 19 during their remarriages (1Co5:1, 13)!
12 Every marriage, divorce, and remarriage are different and require leaders of
the NT WCOG church to apply the Word of God per His wisdom/Js1:5-6!
Forgiveness of marriage fornication is seen in Hosea; however, the innocent
spouse can remarry! No matter the number of divorces, start with the first!
God does allow for separation/1Co7:11-12 (physical abuse, etc.). Also, God’s
NT Laws of the above scriptures applies also to non-Christians at repentance!
NT WCOG leaders take the testimony of the Christian & eyewitness spouse.
God’s Word doesn’t change, so any lies to leaders continue sin in remarriage!
13 The only two NT Biblical reasons for remarriage: Death and Fornication!