
LAPEAL first major project will be blogging and media every week to LAPEAL Blog page.  LAPEAL resource is found on OFBGM.ORG webstore.  LAPEAL vision will expand as we go global together.  LAPEAL vision is in place as we grow.

LAPEAL Blog will have six catagroies and channels on media

LAPEAL will feature the Life Manual daily on the seventh categrory of LAPEAL entitled OFBGM WCOG.  This will be a short blog with either voice or media.  Life goes beyond physical life to Spirit inflinte life of mind and heart.

LAPEAL seventh major project or channel will be OFBGM WCOG

LAPEAL eight major project will be OFBGM LAPEAL!  LAPEAL also has future projects within each of these blogs categories!

OFBGM LAPEAL breaks down what the mind and heart and how the mind and heart manifest into physical body behavior!

LAPEAL ninth project will go into infinite life beyond physical life which is the revelation of our Spirit Godhead and our work!

OFBGM expains the difference in physical life and spirit life.  There is nothing physical about the mind or heart!

LAPEAL has many future projects planned to help LAPEAL vision to become reality.  So LAPEAL has placed adds on our blog page to help LAPEAL provide more projects for you and also some may be affliates that has helped make this blog possible for you.  Also, by clinking on the subscribe button and then the bell next to subscibe by each blog you like then when LAPEAL post a new blog and media you will be notified.  Sharing the social media links will help share LAPEAL and help LAPEAL vision projects become reality. 

Let's start our lifetime of LAPEAL blogging and future projects of LAPEAL vision that will be announced.
