Evangelism and Missions

Jesus made the Kingdom of God building by evangelism of every global lost soul for global NT WCOG Local Church Family/Mt12:46-f missions to preach/teach/live OFBGM WCOG to mature the newly establish NT WCOG planted local church family to maturity in the NT WCOG local church unity and fellowship with our Father and Jesus/2Jn9 and as well with each member! This blog category will launch blogs and the vision of OFBGM NT WCOG on global evangelism/Mt28:18-20 and missions to equip the newly establish local NT WCOG church family to maturity in NT WCOG/2Jn9! There is nothing like working with our God in saving global souls for the Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven and then equipping every global soul for maturity in OFBGM NT WCOG/Ac20:26-27, Mt4:4, Re22:18-19, etc.! By the way, COM stands for: communication, organization, and mobilization to replicate the NT pattern for evangelism and missions of every planted NT WCOG to create the same NT WCOG mind of our Jesus/Mt28:18-20, Mt4:4, Ac20;26-27, Re22:18-19, etc.!

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