171 Ep 06 OFBGM WCOG Bible Institute – Its Creation

Its creation and coverage covers over 4000 years of OT History

171 Ep 06 OFBGM WCOG Bible Institute – Its Creation

Its coverage by God Himself Spirit Mouth Is His Global Narrative

INTRODUCTION: Every global nations’ TVs, Internet, and Print are Bias

1  Only Lord God Jesus has a truth in love selfless righteous narrative

2 The Spirit infinite Mouth of Logos, Jesus, coverage is His Creation of all

3 Its Creation, Its Coverage, and Its Scope is without equal with mankind

4 The Creator of all things/Col1 is the Logos, Lord God Jesus, in the Bible

5 The Bible creation by God Himself coverage is universal, timeless, &…

I God Himself, Logos, recorded His Spirit Word from the beginning to end

A The Alpha and Omega, Jesus, recorded His Creation & Omega by Hand

B Jesus, the Word of God, used Moses & Job to record His events to them

C The Logos, Jesus, created His global newsprint for endless coverage

D Jesus provides His Own coverage or HIStory from God’s narrative

II The creation of the Word of God in the Bible coverage is complete

A All this year we will explore the Word of God and see how and why

B The creation of the Word of God, Logos, our Bibles created incarnation

C Global news of the Bible coverage, covers more history than any news

III There is no other book and global news that covers history until Jesus

A God Himself selfless truth in love narrative shares mankind free will

B God allowed mankind to develop his own writing, civil laws… till Moses

IV The Logos or infinite Jesus’ Word gives insights of Himself and mankind

A Do you understand the value of knowing the design of life & mankind?

B Do you understand the value of knowing the difference in life & physical

V The Bible informs us how our God operates and intervenes in our lives

A Like in our salvation, saving us from our sins/Mt1:21 and for life now

B Truly, our Jesus will work all things in this physical life to our Good

CONCLUSION: Its Creation was for global coverage for Jesus incarnation

1 Now, every nation is under the global coverage of Jesus NT reign till end

2 Now, only one global nation of Christians covered by Jesus’ blood/Mt26:

3 Now, the Word of God, Jesus, NT & prophecies are to His Spirit judgment

4 The Word of God, Jesus, used His OT and NT prophets for over 1600 years

5 The coverage of over 4100 years of OT and NT events

6 The NT covenant reign for Jesus’ NT reign by His NT and prophecies

7 Jesus NT covenant and prophecies of end times brings assurance/justice

Jesus is nailed cross., István
grayscale photo of jesus christ
Photo by Alem Sánchez on Pexels.com
easter performance of jesus christ on cross
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

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