The Word/Logos of God, Jesus, Is found in our Bibles Proves Spirit Infinite Heaven by His Incarnation/Jn1:1, 14
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161Ep 06 Category – Our Lord Jesus Became a Man – Incarnation
OFBGM® WCOG™ Breaks Down Lord God Jesus Incarnation
Its (the Written Word) Prophesied Incarnation (Its Source)
Introduction: Its, the Written Word: Bible ‘s Source, Logos, Became Man
1 Our Lord God Jesus Christ, our Immanuel/Logos, Became a Man/Flesh
2 The Word of God, Jesus, spoke in the universe and His Word/Jn16:7-16!
3 Wow, the second Member of the Godhead – Jesus, Spoke/Ge1, Jn1:1-3!
4 Wow, in Him the Word, Jesus, is the Light/Jn1:1-14 of mankind/Jn1:9
5 Wow, the Logos, our Lord God Jesus made all the spirits/Col1:15-17, 18-f
6 Wow, the Logos, Jesus, is before His Creation Universe & spirits/Col1:17
7 Wow, in Ge1 the Word of God, Jesus, said and Creation & said it is GOOD
8 OFBGM WCOG will breakdown how Godhead/Elohiym Created/Jn1, 2Pe3:4-7, 8-10, etc., Please take time to read and study these scriptures
9 To break down these points details use Category 05 and book-a-date
I The greatest miracle of all times is our Lord Jesus, Logos, becoming flesh
A OFBGM WCOG breakdown of Jesus’ Incarnation by Its, the written Word
B The Source of the Written Word, Bible, is the Living Infinite Logos, Jesus
C The written word, the Bible, Logos Jesus, Own Spirit Infinite Hand/Jn10:25-30
D Jesus by His Own Inspiration by Jn16:7-16 through Spirit spoke His Word
E Jesus by His Own infinite Godhead/Jn10:30 Spirit Hand Kept Word/Mt25:35
F Now, Jesus sinless life, death, Res, Asc, and NT Kingdom reign His 2 & 5
G Jesus the Word, written word – Bible, has been inspired by His process of Jn16:7-16 and preserved by Jesus Himself/Mt24:35, Jn12:48, Re22-18-f
H So, the Living Spirit Logos, Jesus, spoke into existence His physical universe and His Bible/Mt1:1, Jn16:7-16, etc., and put on His body called the incarnation or tabernacle/tent Jn1:14 His Own embodiment of His Own written Word/Logos from His Own Mouth/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27 – Wow
II Logos, the 2nd Member of the Godhead, became flesh/Jn1:1, 14 the Seed
A Wow, the seed/Ga3:16, 24, 29, Jesus, ties every Bible book together!
B The greatest Biblical sacrifice is Jesus/Mt1:21, the Lamb of God/Jn1:36
C The entire animal sacrifices of the OT covenant/Heb10:4 prophesied the seed, Jesus, Lamb of God death on the cross per OFBGM® WCOG™
D In fact, the seed Logos, Jesus, was a plan from eternity past/1Pe1:19-21
E When Adam and Eve sinned then the second Adam, Jesus, was the plan
F The seed plan by our Logos/Jn1:1, 14 was the OT saying God is our salvation! Mankind, even the Jews had no idea that God would become flesh! The greatest mystery of all times the incarnation proves God!
III All sins from Adam and Eve are ultimately against our Godhead!
A Every man and woman has sinned against God and mankind
B Since mankind sins, then only God Who cannot sin had to be made flesh to take on His physical body all the sins of mankind that obeys Him!
C OFBGM WCOG also explains the power of good and evil/Ge3:22!
D Don’t you know if our Godhead could have saved mankind by any other way that our Godhead would have saved Jesus the second Member of the Godhead from incarnation, temptation, and death on the cross!
E There are hundreds of OT scriptures/Ge3:15 about the historical Jesus!
F OFBGM and OFBGM LAPEAL have taken countless days breaking down the nature of mankind both by scriptures on mankind and by incarnation!
IV Jesus’ Spirit brought the Kingdom of God/Heaven to earth by His will!
A The Spirit Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven proven by Jesus!
B Jesus’ incarnation from all His OT prophecies proves our Spirit Godhead!
C The greatest miracle is when our Lord Jesus intersected with time – His incarnation. Naturally, our Godhead knows all things and knows the pain of sin because He is the only Divine God Who can have knowledge of good and evil and never sin. That is why only our God, Jesus, could cleanse!
D Jesus’ Spirit was the Kingdom of God and Heaven in flesh walking His created planet in the flesh that started at His water baptism/Jn3:5. Jesus earthly Kingdom of God/Mt6:33 and Heaven, Jn3:13, 31, Mt calls our Jesus the King in present tense in the Bible book of Matthew in His incarnation
E Yes, Jesus’s Spirit in Jn3:13 was in Spirit Heaven because our Spirit Heaven where our Godhead reigns from everlasting-to-everlasting is omnipresent in God’s entire physical universe, His consuming fire created spirit paradigms, and now in Jesus’ Spirit body called the incarnation!
F See why OFBGM WCOG is so vast with all the details of the WCOG?
G Jesus’ Spirit brought down the Kingdom of God in His incarnation and bought the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Heaven for His family!
H Jesus said His Kingdom was at hand because His earthly ministry in the flesh was the plan so our Jesus/Mt1:21 bought His Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven by His sinless life, death/sacrifice, Res, Asc, and now reigning back in His infinite Spirit Heaven by His Asc (Ascension)!
I God’s will was for our Jesus’ incarnation be done on earth by faithfully obeying our Bibles NT WCOG/Mt26:28 covenant that was or represented His physical body and blood sacrifice death on the cross as He prophesied in Jn6:32-58, 1Co11:23-33, 1Co10:16-18, 21, Mt1:21, etc.!
J I need to finish even though there is many more details of the incarnation we will not get to but these to breakdown fully would take several sessions or classes for several weeks of daily classes or sessions.
V Let us breakdown Jesus’ very moment of incarnation by OFBGM WCOG
A There were a few oral prophets waiting on Jesus incarnation.
B After the angel announced that the virgin Mary would have a child without the help of any man, Mary had faith and conceived Jesus even though she needed to ask the angel how could that be possible.
C So, the angel explained how/Lk1:35, Mt1:20, 21 to Mary the incarnation
D God the Holy Spirit the third Member of the Godhead made the seed/
Ga3:16, 24, 29, etc., and placed the embryo in her womb.
E Thus, Jesus seed came through the Jews of Mary’s womb, so the seed of Jesus came through the Jews Who was the salvation of all nations/Ge12:3
F However, Jesus was God Himself called the second Adam and not a Jew!
G Jesus didn’t come from a man of the Jews and His incarnation Spirit was God Himself from everlasting-to-everlasting placed by the Holy Spirit!
H Can you even imagine all the angels of Heaven and even of Tartarus/2Pe2:4 that witness this emptying of omnipresent Spirit Heaven of Jesus by the process of Ph2:3-11 and the prophets would enlighten.
I Imagine the emptiness of infinite Spirit Heaven for 33- or 34-years app.!
J At the very moment of Jesus’ incarnation most of mankind was just living their lives and had no idea that they needed a Savior and Lord like mankind since then. So, the Holy Spirit seed and Jesus’ Infinite Lord God Spirit’s conception incarnation. Life starts at conception per Jesus!
K Quickly mankind’s spirits start at conception by our Lord Jesus/Jn1:9
L Jesus incarnation Spirit is from everlasting-to-everlasting by Ph2:3-11!
M OFBGM LAPEAL has several sessions and classes on these details
N Can you imagine the apostles when they realize this about Jesus after the formation and during the complete to NT (New Testament)!
O Wow, what a treasure we have in our Bibles by OFBGM WCOG!
P At Spirit Res and then His Asc that same morning/Jn20:17, Jesus finite spirit/Ph2:3-11, Lk2:49, 52, etc. went back to His from everlasting-to-everlasting infinite second Member of the Godhead Spirit of His Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven! The importance of Jesus’ bodies…
Q It took the founder of OFBGM and LAPEAL a lifetime to grow in OFBGM WCOG to this point and pray that God will continue to allow me to grow in His OFBGM WCOG! Only our Jesus is worthy because of His incarnation!
R Book-a-date if you need to explore more about our Jesus’ incarnation!
VI Jesus infinite Godhead Spirit now in His Spirit Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Spirit Heaven and His entire created spirits paradigms found in OFBGM webstore will bring the revelation of our Lord God Jesus alive in His OT and NT. Just like right before Jesus’ incarnation, Jesus Asc restored Jesus’ infinite Spirit omnipresent eternal Kingdom of God and Heaven.
A With God, all things are possible, so how big is your faith in our Jesus?
B Jesus by His Asc (Ascension) in Ac2 started His NT reign as High Priest!
C Jesus by His Asc started His NT reign of the minds, hearts, and bodies of all His local church families/Mt12:46-f) as our Lord of lords and King of ….
D Jesus by His Asc started His NT reign of fallen satan and demons power over death and placement in the bottomless pit or completely controlled by our Lord Jesus Christ/Ge3:14-15, Re9:1-11, Re20:1-11, etc.!
E Jesus NT Kingdom of God and NT Kingdom of Spirit Heaven reigns over His created universe/Re1:8 & His entire created spirits paradigms He has absolute power/Mt28. Jesus is truly King of kings and Lord (God) of lords!
F Jesus, the Omega of this physical universe/1Co15:23-28, etc., & 1Col1…
G Jesus role of His infinite Spirit judgment Throne of God in paradigm 10
H Jesus 2nd Member of the Godhead role in His City of God/Re21-f, etc.!
CONCLUSION: OFBGM Founder prays that you understand the incarnation
1 Jesus’ Spirit has never died like our spirits will never die/2Co4:18, etc.!
2 Jesus’s Spirit went from infinite Godhead to Son of man and Son of God spirit by the incarnation. Leaving Heaven for this evil corrupt world of sin!
3 Jesus went from His infinite Spirit Godhead to lower than His angels!
4 Jesus lived this faith physical life just like mankind but without sin!
5 Jesus’ Son of man and Son of God spirit left His body at physical death
6 Jesus’ Spirit entered His physical body on the third day called the Res
7 Jesus’ Spirit went back to His infinite eternal omnipresent Godhead Spirit at His Asc/Jn20:17 where His Res physical body went to eternal infinite omnipresent eternal Spirit soul/1Co15 Godhead Body/Ph1:21, 1Co15:44, 50, Col1:15, 2Co4:18, 2Co5:6-8, Ro1:20, Heb11:10, 13-14, 16, 26-27, Jn18:36-37, 1Co15:23-28, Re22:11-15, Re1-22, Heb1:1-3, 4-14, Heb12:22-29, Jn14:1-4, 4-f, Ga4:26-29, Col1:12-14, 14-15, 16-18, 1Pe4:4-f…
8 Time will not allow for all the details of this discussion surrounding what is entailed in the incarnation of our Lord God Jesus. OFBGM LAPEAL and LAPEAL have many LPs over several months on the nature of mankind by the OFBGM nature of the incarnation Son of God and Son man. Our finite spirits/Jn1:9 are made in the image of our infinite Spirit of our Godhead/Ge1:26-27 because our Godhead has nothing physical in eternal Spirit Heaven/2Co4:18 but praise our Jesus that He became man by the process called the incarnation for app 34 years to take all our sins by His physical body! Wow, the love and care of our Jesus Spirit Hand/1Pe5:6-7
9 That is why Jesus went deep in His OFBGM WCOG when He said about the son (s) of God of the OT in application to mankind’s spirits.
10 Again, our Lord God Jesus Christ Spirit has never died only His physical body because His Spirit went to Paradise/Lk23:43, 2Co12:4, Re2:7, etc.!
11 The Living Spirit Word/Logos, Jesus, spoke into existence His physical universe/Jn1:1-3, Col1:11-18, etc. and spoke into existence His eternal written Word of God/Mt24:35, Jn16:7-16, Jn12:44, Re22:18-19, etc. called our 66 books of the Bible, and then in the volume of His written Bible book the Logos/Word, Jesus, put on flesh becoming the very embodiment of His Logos/God the Word & His written Word, the Bible/Mt1:1, Jn1:1, 15-33, Mt26:28..
12 Jesus Himself confirm the OT/Mt4:4 by His Own Logos incarnation and then confirm His NT covenant/Mt26:28, Mt24:35, Jn12:48, Mt5:18, Re22:18-19, Jn10:25-30, Mt28:18-20, 2Pe3:5-18, 1Co15:22-28, Re20:11-15…
13 OFBGM warns all preachers of God’s Word not to say we may not have the entire Word of God and call Jesus a liar/Mt24:35, Jn12:48, Jn10:25-30, Mt28:18-20, Re22:18-19, Ga1, 1Jn2:21, Re1, 2-22, 2Ti2:2, Ro10:17, Jn14…
14 OFBGM implores all gospel preachers of OFBGM WCOG do not make the Word of God a lie/1Jn2:21 and perhaps destroy the faith of new babes in the faith/1Co3 or even men in seminary because there have been both!





