157 Ep 03 Category Review-Preview 2024 BB

For Annual Reflection and Accountability

OFBGM® Monthly Business Brief (BB) Dot COM – www.OFBGM.org

157 Ep 03 Category Review – Preview 2024 BB: The Power of Reflection


As we reflect by doing a Review of 2024, let us also take a reflection of our

whole life up to this point in our lives’ experiences, behaviors, attitudes,

beliefs, wills, feelings… known in LAPEAL (Lifetime Action Plan in Every

Area of Life) as MHB™ (Mind Heart and Body/Behavior) only through our

God’s lens for every global soul on this planet and that is OFBGM® (Our

Father’s Business Global Ministries) WCOG™ (Whole Counsel Of God)!  As

you start your own MHB™ reflection up to this point, please allow OFBGM®

quick reflection up to this point.  OFBGM/Lk 2:49, 52 has been in the

founder’s mind since childhood.  My parents took me to church since

birth where in services, classes, and VBS the founder never felt at home in

this world and always searching why I was here but thankfully by staying

in Jesus church family/Mt12:46-f I discovered my Lord Immanuel Jesus

mercy and grace by faithful obedience to His sole authority called the

WCOG/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27, etc.; and the design of life and this physical

universe were revealed by the very Mouth of our Lord God/Mt4:4!

I started LAPEAL in its’ infancy during childhood and after initial salvation

by obedience to the NT (New Testament) I kept in OFBGM® WCOG™ until I

started at a Christian College with in-depth Bible study and started a

lifetime of my own personal study and research of OFBGM WCOG and all

background fields of the Bible, the Word of God.  I started writing OFBGM

and LAPEAL articles during college and have been baptizing people as

Jesus’ servant since my 20s.  As OFBGM and LAPEAL started gelling, I

then began writing 1000s of articles and creating LAPEAL curriculum of

1000s of DLP (Daily Lesson Plans).  Not having the money, I began studying

how to form a ministry incorporation and how to design a website.  After

years of trying, I finally found a lawyer and professional website designer

to launch OFBGM and LAPEAL.  Started with a website designer in 2010

and finally published OFBGM in 2013.  Since 2013, I have been writing

monthly Business Briefs (BB).  During this time OFBGM founder has been

working in OFBGM Prison Ministry with LAPEAL daily counseling sessions

and 1000s of water baptisms by OFBGM WCOG.

OFBGM founder has been trying to launch livestreaming for several years

now alongside OFBGM Blogs as OFBGM Blogs and Broadcast or OBB. 

OFBGM websites will lead global reading, studying, meditating, obeying

And living of OFBGM WCOG.  OFBGM founder is glad to be a servant of our

Lord God Jesus and to share His wisdom/Js1 along with yours by your

comments as we grow in the infinite knowledge or our God by applying His

infinite wisdom to His WCOG to every global person who is looking for our

God’s wisdom.  OFBGM® is searching for every global soul to follow, obey,

and live by every Word of God known as OFBGM WCOG. 

I retire OFBGM Prison Ministry in 2024 with the State of TN and I am now

spending my retirement working for OFBGM and LAPEAL and praying to

our God for every global soul who is searching and has found our infinite

Spirit Jesus, to be NT (New Testament) global partners in OFBGM/Lk2:49

WCOG/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27, Re22:18-19, etc.!  Everything OFBGM does is

only by the lens of our God’s authority and design known as OFBGM

WCOG.  OFBGM encourages every global person to share every blog and

Livestream on both www.OFBGM.org and www.LAPEAL.COM.   OFBGM will

use every donation and support for global teaching and training.   And only

give to OFBGM from your overflow, and never from your income needed

to pay your monthly expenses.  There are global preachers and leaders of

OFBGM WCOG asking for OFBGM to come to them internationally to help

teach and train them in OFBGM WCOG.  Let us break our Jesus big Heart.

OFBGM global prayer is to continue OFBGM WCOG until Jesus 2nd Infinite

Omega of this physical universe Coming starting forever in the sky and not

on the burning destruction of this physical universe/Re20:11!  If you are

looking for the ultimate cause of this Alpha to Omega physical universe &

our Godhead’s from everlasting-to-everlasting Spirit Heaven then you

have found it in OFBGM WCOG!  We will be serving Jesus in OFBGM/

LK2:49, 1Co11:1, Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27, Mt24:35, Jn8:31-32, Jn12:48, etc.! 

OFBGM founder plans to cut down his sermons, teaching, counseling,

and training down to several minutes instead of hours on each of the

above categories of sharing OFBGM WCOG.  Do you know how to follow

our Jesus?  In the first century or now follow His example or standard of

truth in love by His lifestyle: OFBGM WCOG/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27, Jn1:43…

Now, let us review 2024 by reflection on our daily and annual goals found

on www.OFBGM.org  on top of each page of the website click the link

entitled Monthly Business Brief and then on top of this website page

called Weekly and Daily Schedule and Goals click (OFBGM LAPEAL)

the download button.  The first part of the article contains daily, weekly,

monthly, and annual sections of OFBGM WCOG to read, meditate, obey,

and live every year until our Lord God Jesus 2nd Coming hopefully.  This

section of the article is how our God teaches us how to live like our Jesus

did in His incarnation.  This is OFBGM WCOG lens of how we have our

God’s lens to navigate this physical life as our Jesus leads us by His

Biblical authority.  This will be in our daily NT church family fellowship.

On the bottom of the article list our goals in each priority of our total

relationships to help follow our Jesus in OFBGM LAPEAL.  Please add

more personal goals to customize your life’s daily walk with our Jesus. 

Add or delete per your 24/7-time management field which is part of both

OFBGM LAPEAL and LAPEAL.  Also, in the middle of this article are other

helpful OFBGM aids to enrich our daily walk with our Jesus.  OFBGM

encourages every global Christian to help each other to follow our Jesus/

Mt4:4/Jn1:43, Ac20:26-27, etc. to maturity in OFBGM WCOG and then to

grow in our God’s wisdom/Js1 to apply OFBGM WCOG to every global

person lifetime walk and journey to our Spirit Jesus Heavenly abode.

OFBGM will teach to bath everything in prayer and OFBGM WCOG by

following our Jesus walk on this planet.  Our Jesus’ joy, peace, truth in

love, abundant life, care, etc. will transcend any physical life’s sin, hurt,

wrongs, selfishness, and evil.  Jesus tells us if we search for His

righteousness with everything we have then we will find Him.  Along

with obeying OFBGM WCOG, prayer, and with OFBGM vison/dream

LAPEAL that is customize for every global person, then every day of

living your dream (s) will give every person the motivation and the

reason to get up every day with a passion for continuation in our LAPEAL

daily goals.  OFBGM teaches you do not fake it to you make it but live it

to you make it!  What is your vision/dream (s) for physical life?

Do you know and obey OFBGM WCOG like Paul taught in Ac20:26-27?

Jesus is calling every person today by His WCOG for abundant life/Jn1:43!


Annual OFBGM WCOG Reading, Studying, Living… to Follow Our Jesus

1 Ge 1-5-25; 2 Ge 1-12-25; 3 Ex 1-19-25; 4 Le 1-26-25; 5 Nu 2-2-25; 6 De 2-9-

25; 7 De 2-16-25; 8 Jo 2-23-25; 9 Ju & Ruth 3-2-25; 10 1 Sa 3-9-25; 11 2 Sa 3-

16-25; 12 1 Ki 3-23-25; 13 2 Ki 3-30-25; 14 1 Ch 4-6-25; 15 2 Ch 4-13-25; 16

Ez, Ne, & Es 4-20-25; 17 Job 4-27-25; 18 Ps 5-4-25; 19 Ps 5-11-25; 20 Pr 5-18-

25; 21 Ec & Song 5-25-25; 22 Is 6-1-25; 23 Je & La 6-8-25; 24 Ez 6-15-25; 25

Da 6-22-25; 26 Ho, Joel, & Am 6-29-25; 27 Ob, Jon, & Mi 7-6-25; 28 Na, Hab,

Zep 7-13-25; 29 Ha, Zec, & Ma 7-20-25; 30 Mt 7-27-25; 31 Mk 8-3-25; 32 Lk

8-10-25; 33 Jn 8-17-25; 34 Ac 8-24-25; 35 Ro 8-31-25; 36 1 Co 9-7-25; 37 2Co

9-14-25; 38 Ga 9-21-25; 39 Ep 9-28-25; 40 Ph 10-5-25; 41 Col 10-12-25; 42

1 & 2 Th 10-19-25; 43 1 & 2 Ti 10-26-25; 44 Tit & Phi 11-2-25; 45 Heb 11-9-25;

46 Js 11-16-25; 47 1 & 2 Pe 11-23-25; 48 1, 2, 3 Jn & Jude 11-30-25; 49 Re

12-7-25; 50 Re 12-14-25; 51 Review and Preview 12-21-25; & 52 Review and

Preview 12-28-25!  Always read the entire Bible book on one occasion!

Hopefully, OFBGM can start daily blogs and livestreaming in 2025 to reach

every global person for our Lord God Jesus by His only authority: OFBGM

WCOG.  If you need to be a part of the greatest cause and mission of all

times & all parts of this planet, then OFBGM/Mt6:9, Jn1:43, 1Co11:1, etc.

and LAPEAL is the highest paradigm of life and living.  OFBGM will require

your whole soul in the greatest battle of life between evil and good/Mt4:4,

7, 10 by OFBGM WCOG!  The life between the flesh/sin and the God the

Spirit will involve our LAPEAL MHB in all area of our lives/LAPEAL, and the

care of Jesus/1Pe5:6-7 infinite Spirit Hand/Jn10:25-30!  Jesus said His

love for us on the cross will draw all His sheep to Him for abundant life

now and eternity when our spirits leave our bodies at physical death.

OFBGM prays for every ministry, local NT WCOG church family/Mt12:46-

f to be involved in OFBGM WCOG and ministries.  Let us join forces and

reach every lost global soul this generation by Jesus’ Power/Mt28:18-20,

Re5:6, etc.!  OFBGM encourages every global soul to share OFBGM/BB

(OBB – OFBGM Blogs/Broadcast) WCOG to every family member, friend,

and acquaintance to follow our Jesus/Jn1:43, Mt4:4, Lk8:1, Mt9:35, k13:22-

23-30, Mt28:18-20, Ac1:8, 8:1-4, 1Co11:1, 2Ti2:2, Re1-22:18-19!

top view photo of people having a meeting
Photo by fauxels on Pexels.com

Preparation and Planning creates your vision (s) to come alive by implementation of your LAPEAL plans and goals. OFBGM LAPEAL will help you create your vision/dream (s) by customizing your own LAPEAL. When you aim at nothing then you hit your tarket: nothing. When you don’t plan then your plan is to fail.

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