61 OFBGM Business Brief

Jesus Infinite and Incarnation Spirit Is Mind and Heart

OFBGM® Monthly Business Brief (BB) Dot COM

61 September 2017 BB Copyright © 2017 OFBGM.  All rights reserved. 

OFBGM® annual WCOG™ BB Bible book (66) schedule for September 2017 will be God willing: 36 1Co 9-3-17; 37 2Co 9-10-17; 38 Ga 9-17-17; 39 Ep 9-24-17!  The focus of this OFBGM® BB will be on our Jesus infinite Spirit NT era covenant reign/ Mt28: 18-19, Heb8, 9:12, 24, Re6:1-2, Re19, etc.  Many modern day Christian writers (Even theologians, academia, and religious leaders) and even Christian writers since the first and second centuries until you and me have not understood the very Spirit/Jn4:24 nature and image of our Godhead of invisibility of His infinite eternal omnipresence Spirit Mind and Heart!  These writers and promoters have made practically everything in the Bible physical and even in Jesus NT covenant reigning Spirit/Mt28:18-f infinite Spirit visions to John physical flesh interpretations in the panoramic NT dispensation of infinite Spirit, Jesus!

OFBGM FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE OF JESUS INFINITE SPIRIT IN HIS NT REVELATION will be out soon, God willing.  OFBGM® WCOG™ has been waiting to put out resources on the website to share the transcendent Spirit nature and image of our infinite mind and heart Godhead.  This OFBGM® WCOG™ resource will be an introduction to the book of Revelation to allow Jesus to share His 12 different  Spirit Biblical paradigms/Col1 of invisibility.  The book of Revelation is a master piece of Jesus figurative Spirit language that His eternal principle must be applied/

Re22:18-19.  Jesus tells us to have the same mind in His truth of His WCOG™!

1Co15:44 tells us that our flesh natural Res body will be raise a spiritual body/1Co15:44 because we have borne the earthly/flesh body we shall bear the spirit heavenly body/1Co15:48-50 because the physical body is not spirit/Lk24:39, 1Ti1:17, Col1:15, Jn4:24, Ro1:20, etc.!  1Co15 declares how Jesus, the first resurrection, went from His physical body back to His Spirit infinite body/Ph3:20-21, 1Ti1:17, Col1:15, Heb8, 9:12, 24, Re1, 4-5, 21-22 by the Asc/Jn20:17, Lk23:43!

2Co 5:6-8, Js2:26, 2Co4:18, Ro1:20, Jn4:24, etc. shares OFBGM® Biblical spirit paradigms 7 thru 9 called the Hadrian paradigm of invisibility/Re6:9-11; 19:1-21; 20:1-10!  Practically every writer on the book of Re never acknowledges Jesus spirit paradigms of invisibility/Col1 put makes practically everything physical!

Ga4:26 is talking about Spirit City of God Spirit invisibility above out of Spirit eternal Heaven/Re21:1-7 called the Spirit (by the context) New Jerusalem!

Ep1:7-12, 4:8-10 At Jesus Asc back to His infinite Spirit 2nd member of God…!

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