OFBGM® Monthly Business Brief (BB) for Dot COM
7 July 2013 BB Copyright © 2013 OFBGM. All rights reserved.
OFBGM® WCOG is one of the uniqueness of all the global religious organizations that minister in the name of Jesus Christ and even of all the global churches of the Lord Jesus Christ. OFBGM Ministry link on the front page of our website follows Jesus and lives by every word of God or by the Whole Counsel of God (WCOG). The WCOG gives us the complete picture, image, and nature of our Lord Jesus Christ both in flesh and in glory of His infinite Spirit along with our Godhead called “Heaven”, the third use of this biblical word used in the WCOG. OFBGM, God willing, will preach, teach, lecture, pray, counsel, fellowship, worship, LAPEAL, and mentor from the example of Jesus. OFBGM sermon and lecture ministry will preach and teach every biblical covenant, doctrine or teaching, bible book by every chapter and verse, and every bible paragraph, sentence, phrase, and word that come directly from the invisible mouth of our Jesus, His-(story)!
OFBGM declares that one of the main reasons why there is so much confusion, division, different fellowships based on doctrines in those that minister in our Lord Jesus Christ name is because the global churches or assemblies of the Lord Jesus Christ have not followed and obeyed Jesus in preaching and teaching OFBGM WCOG! OFBGM proclaims that there will still be division in following Jesus based on picking and choosing doctrines and words to faithfully obey; however, there will be at least one NT biblical pattern or doctrine with wisdom to be a resource for unity based on Jesus’ WCOG and by God’s grace that will be OFBGM NT WCOG LAPEAL!
OFBGM instructs to have milk, meat, and wisdom for every person in every sermon. OFBGM maintains that this will be a standard to strive for as we grow. OFBGM will preach on “meat” topics like: the book of Revelation; the roles of our Godhead in our lives; the very invisible nature and image of our Godhead; God’s kingdom in all His different paradigms of invisibility; How “word” meanings change according to their context just like with all human writing and speaking; how bible words were used in the bible compared to how they are used today, for example in the leadership (elder, bishop, pastor, overseer, etc.) of the local NT WCOG assembly or body of our Lord Jesus Christ; miracles; LAPEAL; Hell; Heaven; the few English words that change their meanings over the centuries in our bible Versions; understanding the original bible language use of complex sentences to express complete whole thoughts; a paraphrase verses bible translation; etc.