62 OFBGM Business Brief

Every Spirit of Animal, Mankind, and Angel Is Made by Jesus

OFBGM® Monthly Business Brief (BB) Dot COM

62 October 2017 BB Copyright © 2017 OFBGM.  All rights reserved.

OFBGM® annual WCOG™ BB Bible book (66) schedule for October 2017 will be God willing: 40 Ph 10-1-17; 41 Col 10-8-17; 42 1Th 10-15-17; 43 2Th 10-22-17; 44 1Ti 10-29-17!  The focus of this OFBGM® BB will be that all physical life and Spirit life is from every physical host and heavenly host source and that is our King of kings and Lord of lords the Lord Jesus Christ/Ph1:21, the 2nd Member of the Godhead’s family/Jn10:30 of God the Father; God the Son; and the God the Holy Spirit!  Truly, everything in this physical life and our Spirit life/Col1:15-16 is our 1st relationship (Col1:18) in the entirety of life/Jn14:6 Who is our Jesus/1Mt1:21-25! 

Ph1:21: “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” is OFBGM® LIFE Biblical verse because Jesus Christ is the source of all physical and Spirit life!  Over the years the founder of OFBGM® has lectured, taught, counseled, and preached that even though the bigness and complexity of the vastness of life Who is Jesus that with this life perspective we can overcome all that satan, satan’s world system or matrix, sins outcomes, and even our self’s sins by Jesus mercy and grace to live this life with our King of Kings, Jesus, and overcome by following His incarnation life example where He placed Himself where He could even be tempted but overcame by living by every Word of God/Mt4:4 and ask every global person of all times to follow Him/Jn1:43, Ac20:26-27 because rather we live in this temporary physical life with our Jesus or die in this physical life we overcome by no matter our living status of physicality or rather dying no matter how because of our number one relationship in the entirety of life: our Lord Jesus Christ!  OFBGM® LAPEAL™ counsels that with Jesus we are kings & priests/Re1:6.

Be looking for OFBGM® next resource on our webstore entitled OFBGM INITIAL SALVATION™!  Every part, step, component, and thought that completes our Jesus NT OFBGM® WCOG™ on His NT WCOG Initial Salvation™ doctrine or teaching for every global person is to be obeyed in order for Jesus to extend His marvelous mercy and grace to you and me!  Wow, we will never haft to question our Godhead’s eternal truth in love for us because our Godhead’s family allowed our Jesus to die in order to save us from our sins!  As stated everything in even infinite Spirit life is our Jesus/Ph1:21, so it should be no surprise that each component is about our Jesus/Mt1:1, 21, 23-25!  Wow, everything in this physical life that is good shares another aspect of our Creator/Jn1:1-3, 14, Jesus infinite Spirit life.  The following page (s) will be part of the summary of Initial Salvation™!


The Word of God, Jesus, revealed in our Bibles is the strongest and most powerful resource that mankind can have and use!  The first component of OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ is the ultimate authority for all global nations and peoples and even the Jews and that is Jesus NT covenant/Mt26:28 gospel the greatest  good news for mankind from Adam and Eve/Heb9:15-17 until you and me and until every global person at our Jesus Omega 2nd infinite Spirit eternal coming on the last day of this Omega physical universe/Jn12:48 in the heavens (both universe including air) that melt/2Pe3 completely and thus passes away/Re20:11 commencing Heaven’s Spirit ultimate Judgment hour for every person of all times by the spirit process outlined in 1Co15, Jn5:27-29, 1Th4:13 – 5:3-9, 2Th1:4-8, 9-12, Mt 25:31-46, Re20:9-15, etc. where our Res physical body in rising is changed to our eternal spirit immortal body1Co15:44-45, 46-50 and thus eternal spirit soul!  When we read OFBGM® NT WCOG™, the word of God, Jesus, tells us that we are made Christians or Disciples by water baptism into our Godhead’s Name/Mt28:19 and then we observe all Jesus commands/Mt28:20 and WCOG/Ac20:26-27 to stay faithful/1Jn1, Lk13:5, Re2-3 until physical death/Re2: 10, Mt28:20, Re22:19, 1Ti4:1-7, Re2-3, Ro10:17, 14:23, 1Jn2:21, 3:11-19 etc.!

So the first step in Jesus NT WCOG™ OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ is for both the NT covenant gospel preacher/Ro10:14 and every member of Jesus Spirit infinite church kingdom family/Ac8:1-4,  by the total Biblical process of Mt28:18-20 to go!   OFBGM® WCOG™ declares that Jesus NT WCOG™ covenant/Mt26:28 core gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ is the first step of initial salvation™!  The good news of Jesus or the gospel of Jesus is every word of His Testator NT covenant will in our 27 NT WCOG™ Bible Books!  And the very core of Jesus NT covenant gospel is laid out in the 1st sermon preached/Ac2 on the 1st day or Pentecost or Firstfruits on Sunday the 1st day of the week when Jesus eternal NT covenant started and met continuous for Jesus NT covenant WCOG worship assemblies/Ac2, 20:7, 1Co16:1-2, at the Lord’s supper or breaking of bread or Lord’s table on the Lord’s day/Re1:10 that is declared in Jesus eternal NT WCOG™ the 1st day of the week: Sunday!

The first component of OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ of Jesus NT WCOG™ covenant is the very core of the gospel and that is: 1 Jesus the 2nd Member of the Godhead/Jn10:30 became man known as the incarnation or tabernacle/Jn1:14; 2 Jesus lived a sinless life; 3 Jesus brought down His Spirit eternal Kingdom of God & Kingdom of Heaven of righteousness for mankind at His water baptism/Jn3:5; 4

And then by our Jesus Kingdom of God & Kingdom of Heaven He was, preached about, & demonstrated to die on the cross or gave His physical Lamb of God body and blood for you and me in order to restore His eternal Spirit Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God that Adam and Eve had lost and thus gave the keys of dominion of life to satan that Jesus bought back for every person since Adam and Eve/Heb9:15-17 by His Seed/Ge3:14-15, Ga3:16, 24, 29, Mt1:1, 21, 23-25 5 Burial6 Then as Jesus had prophesied in His incarnation Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven His Spirit came back from paradise/Lk23:43  3 days later to His physical body in a borrowed temporary tomb; 7 Called the resurrection or the 1st first Res/Re20:5-6 (Res is when our spirits come from the Hadrian Spirit paradigms of invisibility 7-9 called paradise, Abraham Bosom, and sea in Re to our dead physical bodies and then our Res body is changed to our eternal Asc spirit body/1Co15:44-50 on the last day of this physical universe/Jn12:48, Re20:11, etc.); 8 Minutes later/Jn20:17 Jesus Res body went back to His eternal omnipresent infinite Spirit Godhead called Heaven’s Temple/Throne/Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven abode and eternal one Spirit Godhead dwelling existence; 9 On Sunday the 1st day of the week on Pentecost or Jesus Spirit firstfruits/ Ac2 Jesus stated His restored Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven eternal NT covenant on earth where truly Heaven’s will became earth’s will with His bought restored Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven on earth during Jesus entire NT reign from Ac2/Mt28:18-20 until the last day of this Omega physical universe  (Jn12:48, Mt28:18-20, Re1:8, 11, 17, 18) to commence the Spirit judgment hour;And 10 Jesus is reining now all His NT Spirit/Col1 paradigms (12) of invisibility  since the first day of the week on Sunday because of His NT eternal Spirit firstfruits Jn20:17 starting with the 1st firstfruits harvest of Himself on the 1st day of the week called firstfruits and then His NT covenant family on the 1st firstfruits harvest of Christians/Ac2 on the 1st day of the week, Sunday, our NT worship assembly day, also known as Pentecost until Jesus ends or Omega His Alpha physical universe on the last day/Jn12:48 for His Spirit Heaven judgment hour!

OFBGM® allows you to see the lifetime study of God’s Word, our Bibles, even in the parts of OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ that will occur after Jesus initial doctrine of salvation in Mt28:19 in Mt28:20; however, let’s share the core of Jesus NT covenant gospel outlined in the first NT WCOG™ sermon preached on the 1st day worship assembly when Jesus NT WCOG church family started in Ac2!  Ac2: Core NT covenant gospel 1st step in OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ – the Holy Spirit baptism prophesied & from Jesus: 1 Came on the apostles on Pentecost/1st  fruits with power as shown by the apostles miracles including the gift of tongues/Ac2:1-15; 2 Jesus NT baptism of God the Holy Spirit was also prophesied thru Joel/Ac2:16-21; 3 Jesus was approved by His Godhead by His miracles without measure from God the Holy Spirit/Jn3:34, Ac2:22-24; 4 However our sins put Jesus to death on the cross/Ac2:23-24 by OFBGM® WCOG™; 5 Jesus Res was prophesied by Himself during His Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven ministry on earth that started at His water baptism/Jn3:5 and by David/Ac2:25-32; and 6 Jesus Asc/Ac2:33-36, Jn20:17, Mt28:18-20, etc.!  OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ starting with Jesus NT WCOG™ on the doctrine of initial salvation starts with step one which is Jesus core NT WCOG gospel outlined in Ac2!  After the 1st step of Jesus initial salvation NT WCOG™ covenant core gospel presented in the 1st NT covenant gospel sermon (that is presented to every global person by NT OFBGM WCOG™ covenant gospel preachers/Ro10:17, Mt28:20 and every member of Jesus Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven Spirit body/Kingdom/Local church family/Ac8:1-4) outlined above then the 2nd component of Jesus doctrine of His NT WCOG™ on OFBGM® INITIAL SALVATION™ is instructed and required!  Jesus, the Word of God, or every written word in our copied 66 Bible books requires faith/Ro10:17, 14:23, Ac26:13-18 only in our Jesus/Mt1:1, 21, 23-f because the entire OT is about Jesus/Ge3:14-15, Ga3:16, 24, 29 and will bring you to Jesus eternal NT Testator WCOG™ covenant gospel Will/Heb9:15-17 and Word!  The evidence for Jesus Christ is overwhelming and calls for an eternal decision from every global person who hears the 1st step of Jesus doctrine on Initial salvation the very first time they are preached or taught about Jesus/Ac8:35, Ac2 because today is the day of salvation for you/Ac2:37, 38, 41, 47!  OFBGM resource entitled OFBGM EVIDENCE FOR BIBLICAL FAITH IN JESUS is a must read to see Jesus powerful evidence!  The Bible tells us that God by our conscience, physical universe/Ro1:20, and His eternal Word of God Who is Jesus and His written 66 Bible books should cause every global person from the time of discerning good and evil to be searching for salvation from this evil world ruled by satan/Jn8:44.  So truly faith/Ro10:17, Ac26:18 should be established during JESUS 2nd PART of His doctrine on initial salvation and we should be ready for Jesus/Ac2:37, 8:35 initial salvation that occurs at water baptism/Ac2:38, 41, 8:35-36, 37-38!  Truly, Biblical faith is Biblical belief, trust, and obedience/Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27, Ac2:37-38, 41, Ac8:35-36, 37-38 for initial salvation!   So Jesus says you must hear about Me by My authority, the Word of God, in order that you can believe in Me by My evidence!  Then Jesus says in His NT WCOG™ eternal authority for all nations to 3 repent/Ac2:38, 4 confess Me as Emmanuel the very Son of God/Ac2:41, 8:36-38, Ro10:8-10, and 5 then at water baptism JESUS makes us Christians or Disciples!

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