17 OFBGM Business Brief

Jesus is truly in the Volume of His Book

OFBGM ® Monthly Business Brief (BB) for Dot COM

17 April 2014 BB Copyright © 2014 OFBGM.  All rights reserved.

In the month of April OFBGM WCOG from the books of Ch, Ezra, and Ne brings the focus of God’s Word, the Bible, back to the focus of every word of God (1Pe1:17-21, 2Pe1:19-21) both in the OT and NT of the Word of God, Jesus: Jn1:1, 14.  Week 14 of 2014 will be April 6 1Ch; 15 April 13 2Ch; 16 April 20 Ezra; Ne; Es; 17 April 27 Job will bring our attention back to Ge3:15-16 displaying Jesus as the seed of the entire Bible (Ga3:16, 24, 29;) of both the OT and NT.  The book of De prophesied that the OT Law of Moses for the covenant nation of God would break their OT covenant completely commencing their complete leaving of the OT land promise (De28; He9:12, 24; He8:1-13).  The biblical OT covenant people of God broke God’s promise to them (which would have been for eternity because God operates in eternity).  The entire Bible has always been about Jesus, our High Priest, for the entire human race from Adam and Eve until His 2nd infinite coming.

After Jesus, the Omega, on the last day of this physical universe known biblically as the judgment day, then Jesus will give all power of the heavenly host back to our Father (1Co15:22-28) who has always been in Heaven invisibility where all the spiritual host of Jesus will be.  When mankind left God in the garden, then our spirits left God’s presence in our physical bodies and spirits known biblically as our soul (Ge2:7) that very day we disobeyed God’s Word.  The authorship of the Bible shares how far our God had to descend to this world to restore the Godhead’s direct presence of Spirit invisibility back into our souls starting during the NT era or dispensation starting in Ac2 to every OFBGM WCOG disciple/Mt4:4.

However, now we know the Godhead’s direct Infinite presence of invisibility back in our souls only by faith from the authorship of God that only comes from obeying Jesus NT (Mt26:28) and not the way Adam and Eve experience the Godhead’s Spirit presence of invisibility directly of living without the knowledge of evil with no sin and experiencing God’s direct invisible presence in their lives with complete harmony of righteousness and holiness then by “direct” faith of God’s Spirit invisibility unmarred by sin and the Godhead’s direct Spirit manifestations!

When mankind sinned in the garden then faith went from our Godhead walking together with mankind in oneness to our freewill of allowing God back in our lives by faith only by Jesus, our Emmanuel.  The books of Ezra, Ne, and Es displayed that the OT shadows/physical events had eternal meaning only in Jesus & Heaven.

Animals body and blood sacrifices were always replacements or OT shadows until the pattern, Jesus our Almighty God, the only heavenly Lamb of God became flesh and blood to remove both the OT and NT sins of every person since Adam and Eve. (He9:11-24; Je31; He10:4)  The book of Job shares how God has always searched this planet for individuals who place their faith in Him. 

The author of our faith and the very written and living Word, Jesus, in 1 & 2Ch brings the theme of His salvation and His righteousness to every person that He has created back into focus by God the Holy Spirit revealing to the OT prophet by inspiration, Jesus message or Word of God, the seed promise, from Ge3:14-15 that Jesus spoke as the 2nd Member of the infinite Godhead from Heaven and recorded by Moses thousands of years later.  1Ch1:1 takes us back before the Law of Moses to the very seed promise of Jesus. (Ga3:16, 24, 29)  Jesus came through the tribe of Judah back to Adam the very reason for 1 and 2Ch to keep the seed line open until the Seed, Jesus, would replace the OT animal sacrifices (He10:4) that was never meant to last because only God, Jesus, can forgive sins.

The entire OT has always only been about Jesus, the second member of the Godhead.  (Mt1:1, 16, 21, 22-25; Lk3; Lk24:27; Jn5:39; Jn1:1-3, 14; Ga3:16, 24, 29; He8, 9:12, 24; Jn1:36; Re21-22; etc…) The complete OT figures or physical events prophesied and were shadows of Jesus and His eternal Presence, called Heaven.  Again, the books of Ezra, Ne, and Es proved that the eternity of the OT shadows were in Jesus and His eternal abode, house, dwelling (He8; 9:12, 24; Re21-22) called the true tabernacle, holy place, and temple.

The book of Job looked for the Creator, our redeemer, and not the temporary OT physical shadows that proved our Jesus beyond a “shadow” of a doubt because Jesus was the reason and evidence of His OT circumcision people who was prophesied to be the womb for our Lord Jesus Christ.  Again, Jesus was not a Jew but the very son of God.  Jesus had no physical father because God the Holy Spirit made the seed, His physical body, and Jesus Spirit is from everlasting to everlasting!  Jesus is the second Adam because our God made both directly!

Wow, the reading and studying the OT comes alive spiritually when we allow OFBGM WCOG to reveal Jesus as the very Word of God!  Every Word the Living Word, Jesus, spoke from Heaven to the entire Bible cast were recorded later both in the OT and NT by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.  The Logos became flesh.

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