168 Ep 06 OFBGM WCOG Bible Institute – Its Bible Prophets

Its Bible Prophets – How did we get our copies today originally?

168 Ep 06 OFBGM WCOG Bible Institute – Its Bible Writing Prophets

How did we get our copies of our Bibles today originally?

INTRODUCTION: Its Authorship/Jn16:7-16, Its Inspiration, Its… Prophets

1 Its Bible prophets of our copies of our Bibles today were inspired & kept

2 God makes it clear that He inspired/Mt4:4 and kept His Bible/Mt24:35…

3 However, by the inspiration process God the Spirit inspired Its Prophets

4 The original autographs of the 66 Bible books by prophets had no errors

5 Copies of the Bible would notice the smallest letter/Mt5:18, Re22:18-19

6 This year’s outline is condensed from 6 to 7 years on Its (written Word)

7 OFBGM WCOG has taken several years just on the prophets & covenants

8 The WCOG on the oral prophets in the Bible is several months of study

I Prophets/De18:18-22 spoke for God during Bible times by inspiration

A God would reveal to the prophets past, present, and/or future events

B For example, Moses told of events since Creation, present events of his life’s journey and even his death, and prophecies of even Jesus, the Seed

C Every Word spoken by the prophet was from God to mankind for Jesus

D Every Word in our 66 Bible books was from God/Mt4:4, 24:35, Ac20:26-f

E God the Spirit used the prophets own writing style, vocabulary, etc.

II The Word of God would come to the prophets by dreams and visions

A Moses was the prophet God would come often to speak one-on-one

B Jesus would manifest in the I AM burning bush, body/Ge18, the Angel

C Then after the prophet would do the Word, the Spirit would inspire…

D Jesus, the Word of God, would come at night to His prophets by dreams

E Jesus, the Word of God would come during the day while awake/visions

F Prophets were in the nation (s): Enoch/Jude14, Balaam, wise men/Mt2:1

III The Baptism of God the Holy Spirit put the NT in languages/Ac2:9-11

A First, oral by His Apostles and then confirmation of translations/1Co:12-

B Again, every Word of God, in the Bible is from God Himself & kept by God

C Prophets of the Bible ended with the 27 NT Bible books/Bible speaks…

D Prophets were used to tell or explain present bible events during the first century while being written or forthtelling and foretelling prophecies by the completion of the NT Bible, now the Bible speaks only by preaching

E This sub-topic of the Bible outline is condensed like 2025… for brevity 

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