163 Ep 02 Category – OFBGM


Ep 163 02 Category – OFBGM

OFBGM® Global Vision/Dream – JESUS

The Second Member of the Godhead, Jesus, Became a Historical Man

INTRODUCTION: OFBGM LAPEAL first Relational Priority is Jesus/Col1:18

1 Who was the historical man called Jesus Who lived in the first Century

2 Those you know our Jesus/Mt1:21, tell His story in your mind now/birth…

3 Our Jesus incarnation made Him a man thus the Son of God and Man

4 Jesus was born poor, in a cave with animals, carpenter/Stone, at 30…

5 Jesus started His Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven at baptism/Jn

6 Jesus sinless Lamb of God the second Adam, death, burial, Res, Asc…

7 Jesus historical physical life by family, Gospels, NT, other historians…

I There were 100s of prophecies of Jesus incarnation ministry and NT reign

A Our Jesus is the I Am/Ex3:1-13, 14, Jn8:58 our Lamb of God/1Pe1:16-20

B Jesus is the King of kings and Lord of lords the 2nd Member of God/De6:4, Ac2:34, Jn10:25-30, Ep4:3-7, Mt28:18-20, Mk1:10-15, Ro1:20, Re1-22…

C Jesus/Mt1:21 is the Creator of this physical universe/Jn1:1-3, Re1:8, Col

D Jesus created all the spirits paradigms/Col1, Re1-22, etc.

II Jesus Res (Resurrection) proves His Asc (Ascension) back to Spirit infinite omnipresent eternal Heaven waiting for our inheritance/Jn14:1-f

A I can understand more the OT don’t seeing God but NT can/2Co5:6-8

B Jesus is our Chief Shepherd from here to Him/Ps23, Jn10:7, 8-18, Jn14…

C At the last day of this physical universe we are Res/Jn5:27-f, 1Co15:22-28, then the Asc as we are rising 1Co15:44, 50, Jn20:17, Re1, 2-22, Jn14:1-f

D Can your faith eye see Jesus at physical death/2Co5:6-8 &  at/1Co15

III Jesus’ Judgment Role and role with His people/Mt1:21 in eternity

CONCLUSION: Learn how Jesus from eternity past lived during His incarnation to save His people

coffee cup hand notebook
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com
a jesus text
Photo by Tara Winstead on Pexels.com
easter performance of jesus christ on cross
Photo by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com
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