162 Ep 06 Category -WCOG Bible Institute

How is the Word of God, the Bible, the only Alive Book

162 Ep 06 Category – WCOG Bible Institute

How Is the Word of God the Logos, Jesus, the Only Eternal Written Word

It’s the Written Word/Mt24:35 Authority/Mt28:18-20 and It’s Activation/Re22:18-19

OFBGM will start a weekly blog/broadcast entitled: The Word of God Is Jesus, for one year (reducing past several decades of several years of material) and the annual weekly schedule is below. 

The Spirit Living Infinite Word, Jesus, of God Became Man by the Incarnation to Fulfill The Written Word (Its) of God:

01 Its Source

02 Its Incarnation

03 Its Writings/Authority

04 Its Authorship

05 Its Inspiration

06 Its Bible Prophets

07 Its Oral Bible Prophets

08 Its Creation

09 Its Revelation

10 Its Scope

11 Its Timeline

12 Its Comprehensiveness

13 Its Covenants

14 Its Historical Evidence

15 Its 12 Spirit Literal Paradigms

16 Its Ot Kingdom of God

17 Its NT Kingdom of God

18 Its Kingdom of Heaven

19 Its OT Formation

20 Its NT Formation

21 Its OT Prophecy

22 Its NT Prophecy

23 Its Heaven’s Will on Earth

24 Its Interpretation

25 Its First Principle of Interpretation

26 Its Second Principle of Interpretation

27 Its Third Principle of Interpretation

28 Its Fourth Principle of Interpretation

29 Its Fifth Principle of Interpretation

30 Its Sixth Principle of Interpretation

31 Its Seventh Principle of Interpretation

32 Its OT Types

33 Its NT Antitypes

34 Its Fulfillment

35 Its Completeness

36 Its Self-Containment  

37 Its Spirit Eternity

38 Its People or Physical Dispensations

39 Its Narrative Theme

40 Its Languages

41 Its Universality

42 Its Study: OFBGM® Library

43 Its Copies

44 Its Canon

45 Its Greek Text

46 Its Translations

47 Its English Versions

48 Its NT Doctrines

49 Its Evidence

50 Its Salvation

51 Its God’s Hand

52 Its Disciples Indeed

53 Its One Ultimate Judgment

54 Its Mercy and Grace

55 Its Belief

56 Its One Faith

57 Its One Spirit Oneness

58 Its Evangelism

59 Its Seed, Jesus

60 Its Remnant

61 Its Heaven’s Spirit City

62 Its Hell

63 Its God of Consuming Fire

64 Its Godhead

65 Its One Res and One Asc NT Doctrine

66 Its Physical Laws and Spirit Laws Creations

67 Its Activation

68 Its Power

69 Its Godhead’s Witness

70 Its Background Study

71 Its Fellowship

72 Its Relationship: God’s Omnipresence by Communication: God’s Word/Prayer

73 Its LAPEAL™

74 Its OFBGM®

brown book on brown wooden tablePhoto by Hebert Santos on Pexels.comHubble Captures Tangled Remnants of a SupernovaHubble Captures Tangled Remnants of a Supernova by NASA Goddard Photo and Video is licensed under CC-BY 2.0pious woman praying during massPhoto by Luis Quintero on Pexels.com

Worship our Lord God Jesus because He is the King of this physical universe and of His from everlasting-to-everlasting Spirit reign in the Kingdom of Heaven and Kingdom of God in His NT covenant/Mt26:28 and His Spirit reign in all of His Spirit Biblical spirit paradigms found in OFBGM webstore www.OFBGM.org.

opened white book on podiumPhoto by Pavel Danilyuk on Pexels.com

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Its (the Written Word/Mt24:35) Authority/Mt28:18-20 & It’s Activation

INTRODUCTION: The above is from the OFBGM web blog of 2025 Sermons

1 The Logos, Jesus, put on flesh to fulfill and confirm His authority/Bible

2 The Logos, Jesus, fulfilled His OT Word of God to make His NT prophecy

3 How Jesus’ infinite Spirit Hand kept His OT written word/materials

4 God’s sacred oral language from Adam until development of written…

5 OFBGM has countless sessions on development of written language

6 From drawing pictures to thoughts to alphabets to nations’ languages

7 Materials from stone, clay, wood (around the door post), papyrus, coins, seals/phylacteries/pottery/parchments/scrolls/ink/paper/printing press

8 The living Spirit infinite omnipresent eternal, Logos – Jesus, is the authority and power behind His written Word of God – the Bible/Mt28:18-f

9 Jesus, Logos Who is God, confirmed His written word and authority by becoming a man, the incarnation, and He is activated by obedience/Mt28

10 Our 66 Bible books reveal our Jesus the Logos/Word/incarnation and His activation/Mt28:18-20 guarantees His activation in every saved soul

11 Our faith/Ro10:17 by our obedient faith activates our Jesus/1Pe5:6-11

I Jesus put His Logos into flesh & eternal writing documentation/Mt24:35

A The Spirit & Physical Laws of God Govern all civil nations’ laws/Pr14:35

B  All nations’ civil laws involves good and evil statues, ordinances, etc….

C  The writing 66 Bible books have all authority from Jesus/Mt28:18-20

D Understand the Bible is Jesus’ authority and we worship Jesus by its…

E Jesus’ WCOG reigns/Ac20:26-27 all mankind and all nations and peoples

F Jesus allows all individuals and all nations freewill to govern their lives

II The written Word of God authority activates Jesus Infinite Spirit Power

A Just like nations’ (civil) laws have authority because of its authority…

B The USA experience of giving power to the people was by Is33:22

C Thank our Godhead, that Lord God Jesus does all three by truth in love…

D The very Declaration of Inde. Is based on our Lord Jesus in the year of our of our Lord Jesus Christ on the very day of its signing

E The USA has the Executive, Congress/law givers, and Judge/applying laws which is done by the King of king and Lord of Lord God – Jesus!

F Ac2:38, 41, 47, Mt28:18-20, Mt24:35, Jn12:48, 2Pe3, 1Co15:22-f, Jn5:27-f, Re1:8, 11, Re20, Mt25:31-47, Re22, Re1-22, Re9, Re2-3, 4-5, 6-22, etc.!

III Modern day example or a current nation civil laws govern the prisons

A OFBGM prison ministries were govern by the Bible, Federal laws, State of TN laws, and some local counties laws that govern the State policy

B Allen asked me to talk about prison ministries for 2024 PTP

C OFBGM founder has been in prison ministries for over 4 decades

D Many need to know the how-to ministry in the prisons/Mt25:31-46

E I told him I had many sessions on how-to and why minister in Prisons

F A way for many tent making preachers to preach the NT gospel & WCOG

G By Jesus’ mercy and grace OFBGM® have 300s of baptisms and taught…

H I give the history of TN prisons and how the chaplains were the main…

IV The written Word of God was done from Heaven/Jn16:7-16 thru Jesus

A Jesus the Logos/Word of God incarnation of His Spirit confirms the infinite 2nd Member of the Godhead/Jn10:25-30 & His activation/Re22:18-f

B Jesus the infinite Spirit Logos/Word now monitors His eternal written Word of God, Mt24:34, Jn12:48, Re1-3, 4-22, Re22:18-20, 1Co15:22-f…

C Jesus, the eternal Logos Word of God, by His incarnation where His infinite from everlasting eternal omnipresent Spirit to a man’s Spirit and then by His sinless life, death, burial, Res, Asc and NT infinite Spirit Kingdom of God and Kingdom of Heaven reign confirms & is faithful to His NT covenant until His Omega/Re1:8 and to His OT/Heb9:15-17! 

D Now, do you understand why the Bible is a living Word document: Jesus

CONCLUSION: We worship our Godhead by His authority and power

1 Faith only in the Word of God/Ro10:17, makes joy the ultimate

2 Human joy based own our own finite feelings are not righteous per OT

3 Our faithful obedience to the Word of God/Ro:17 is faith and endless joy

4 OFBGM LAPEAL takes several weeks of sessions breaking this down

5 Every global NT faith life is more important than any miracle done in the

first century during this physical life except for the treasure of God’s

Word/Ps119, Lk10:1-20, Jn20:30-31, Re13:8, 17:8, Re20:12-15, Re22:

18-19, 20-f and by the authority of Jesus writing your name in Heaven

6 Jesus is our 70 times 7 God of forgiveness by His mercy and grace by our

faith/Ep2:8-9 because one sin had to have justice, Jesus, by His mercy!

7 OFBGM breaks down the difference in authority and power!

8 However, our Jesus has both all authority and all power so activate Him

by faithfully obeying His Word of God, our Bibles, per Mt4:4, Ac20:26-27!

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