LAPEAL Stands for Lifetime Action Plan in Every Area of Life
LAPEAL is a lifetime counseling theory and a self-time mangement field that developed from decades of using the diferent evidence baaed counseling thories and curriculums to arrive to the ultimate evidence based counseling theory and self-time mangement field that gives exact definitions to time mangement life values. Practically all the counseling thories that are evidence based are based on the same timeless life principles, values, and ethics or moral standards. The reason for this commonality is that life principles, values, and moral standards are timeless and based on the understanding of LAPEAL’s MHB (Mind, Heart, Body/Behavior) life’s interpersonal and interactons. The mind and heart are the totality of life’s building blocks and goes above and beyond the physical universe and paradigms. LAPEAL breaks down all these life’s building blocks of the mind and heart by decades of LAPEAL Lessson Plans contained in LAPEAL curriculum. LAPEAL has changed thousands of lives in all the different counseling settings. LAPEAL is both a therapy administrated by certified LAPEAL counselors and for less severe life’s conditions can be learned by self-learning to navigate life for living by every global participant unique life adventures and paths. LAPEAL is facilitated in groups and one-on-one for bringing in different life experiences and perspectives to give insights into how vast and complex life may be. LAPEAL will be starting on a global journey with every global person that particpates in LAPEAL blog and media under the blog link of this website. It doesn’t matter when you join us in this lifetime journey in LAPEAL blogs because LAPEAL will be updating LAPEAL curriculum from your comments on LAPEAL blogs and will make avaialbe on the webstore. And even after the curriculum LAPEAL will continue lesson plans to LAPEAL just like in the last decades of administrating. We spend more time on our physical things like travel, materialism, etc. then we do our own self life needs that LAPEAL addresses. Are you ready to get started blogging?
LAPEAL Customizes Lifetime Learning to Every Global Person's Unique Life, Self, and Life Experiences.
LAPEAL Group and One-On-One Counseling, Coaching...
Many people will live thier whole lives and never discover the power of group therapy and group facilitation of LAPEAL vision.
LAPEAL Breaks Down the Mind, Heart, Body/Behavior
LAPEAL is a lifetime of self-improvement, self-learning, self-recovery, self-leadership, self-ownership, and self-coaching.
OFBGM WCOG LAPEAL Is the Why for the MHB .
The physical body health and physical behavior are manifeseted from the mind and heart of every person with both also being soley a physical medical condition.
Physical Life Is Complex and Endless as Well as Spirit Life Is Eternal and Is Part of Infinite Spirit Paradigms!
From LAPEAL Basics to Customization to Living
LAPEAL has been developed over the years from using the different counseling theories and theier curricula and with the thousands of counseless in both one-on-one and group therapy in all types of counseling sessions that has helped all partcipants by taking any real life situation and event through applying truth in love in order for any person not to extend their freedon to hurt, wrong, and abusing any other person and even self. LAPEAL is not only a counseling theory but is also a lifetime recovery program proven by a lifetime track record of abundant living in our relationships. LAPEAL is also the best coaching program from self average to self best in the navigation of physical life. Our worst enemy many times is our selves.
LAPEAL takes the reality of physical life and is based upon we cannot control what physical life brings our way but every person has complete control on how we respond because of our respect for others.
LAPEAL creates a person who is at peace within self and physical life. A global person who does thier own thinking. LAPEAL already has one resouce for a more formal Narrative Handbook (NB) on the site below listed to OFBGM webstore located on the first page for your consideration at